In the news for Thursday the 19th of October 2023
In the news for THURSDAY the 9th of NOVEMBER 2023
Korie Schultznovember 9, trump, marsha blackburn, michigan, tustin, lawsuits, ambush, harris county, covid contract scandal, ever grande, bankruptcy, jack, lander, turn the page with janine
In the news for the 8th of November 2023
In the news for TUESDAY the 7th of NOVEMBER 2023
In the news for Monday the 6th of November 2023
In the news for Sunday the 5th of November 2023
In the News for Saturday the 4th of November
In the news for Wednesday October the 18th, 2023
Justice, political, Treason, Q, The Storm, The Great Awakening, in the newsKorie Schultzspeaker of the house, jim jordan, israel, palestine, conflict, wenotme, q, alerts
In the news for Tuesday October the 17th, 2023
In the news for MONDAY THE 16th of OCTOBER 2023
In the news for Sunday the 15th, of October 2023
In the news for Saturday the 14th, 2023
Justice, political, Q, The Storm, The Great Awakening, in the newsKorie Schultzimf, q, credit suisse, we didnt start the fire, in the news, ring of fire
In the news for FRIDAY OCTOBER THE 13th, 2023
in the news, Biblical, Tragedy, political, QKorie Schultzturn the page with janine, israel, palestine, europe, global day of jihad, conflict, friday the 13th, q, australia
in the news, Journey, The Great Awakening, The Storm, QKorie Schultzswitzerland, trump, banks, jp morgan, turkey, hamas, israel, palestine, q
Show notes for 10-11-2023 SPECIAL GUEST RIVERLOG
In the news Wednesday October the 11th, 2023
Q, political, in the newsKorie Schultzbidan, biden, palestine, israel, trump, q, allykatkreations, wenotme
In the news for Tuesday October the 10th, 2023.
Show notes for October 9th, 2023-Monday’s with JasonQ
Korie Schultzjasonq, q, gaza, israel, palestine, conflict, occupation, october, 9th, 2023, wenotme, fluid pour patriot, doc from va
In the News for Monday the 9th of October
Q, The Storm, The Great Awakening, in the newsKorie Schultzcolumbus day, indigenous people, china, israel, germany, news, real raw news